
Well hello!

Happening now.
I’m so excited to announce that four of my paintings were accepted into the WiVLA (Women in Visual and Literary Arts) Juried Exhibit: Expansion. The exhibit runs September 1 - November 11 at POST, 401 Franklin St, Houston,TX in the Z Atrium, L1Lobby.

If you’re local, I’d love to see you at the opening reception on Wednesday, September 6, from 5 - 8 pm. Juror, Elena Poirot, will make her remarks at 6:30 pm. Please be sure to RSVP through WiVLA’s website so that we can provide wine and snacks for everyone.

If you can’t make it to the reception, you can still view the exhibit at POST during their regular hours, Sun-Wed [11 am - 9 pm] and Thu-Sat [11 am - 10 pm].

Nourishing me.
You guys. I worked REALLY hard to finish the 4 pieces that I submitted to the WiVLA show. I even tried to finish a 5th to submit in time for the deadline. That 5th painting…it was not coming together in my process as I had hoped and I began to see myself taking short cuts; creating something very familiar to my older work and even work that echoed other artists that I admire. It was becoming something that wasn’t true to me. The deadline also fell during the same time that I was packing up my oldest son for his move back to college and trying to savor those last days with him at home. In the past, I would have tried to finish that painting and would have crashed and burned with those unrealistic expectations. It felt good to adjust this time. It felt good to let it go. And, I did get to spend the time I wanted to with my boy. I was so glad that I decided not to push to finish that 5th piece.

The day that I was supposed to hear if my work was accepted into the WiVLA juried show came and went. I didn’t get the acceptance email that I was hoping for and began to allow myself to feel all the feelings of disappointment. It was okay to be sad. It was okay to be frustrated.

Right in the midst of the sad, I received the sweetest letter packed with all sorts goodies from my friend Lee Ann. It was such a gift of loving-kindness to open that envelope, read her note, and look at each little thing one-by-one. Thank you Lee Ann. That helped me so much. Never underestimate the power of those small gestures arriving just in time.🦋

Oh and later that morning…I did get the email letting me know my work had been accepted into the show - all 4 pieces! They had a technical difficulty that prevented the emails from going out the day before.

Keeping them fed.
Ok. So you know I’d rather be in my studio painting, but my people still have to eat. I am continuing my journey of letting myself off the hook more when it comes to cooking. I hope you’ve also been encouraged to find ways to say ‘yes to less’ to the things that seem to bog you down.

But, get this…I thought I could make a super special dessert for the night before my younger son went back to high school. I chose a recipe that I had never tried but looked incredible…chocolate lasagna. It took a long time to make. It took a bunch of extra ingredients. It made a giant amount of dessert. It looked amazing. My whole family has a sweet tooth and….no one liked it. I was resentful again. Are you laughing yet? Another reminder to myself. I don’t have to be Martha Stewart. It does not serve me. Buy the pre-made dessert, the gallon of Blue Bell or make the boxed brownies that I know everyone loves. Choosing the easy way does not mean I love them less or that I am less. I’m learning.

I'm so glad you are here.❤️


Manvel Mansion


Summer edit