first newsletter excitement

First newsletter excitement. Can you feel it?

Happening now.
Well YOU are what's happening now. I have recently finished a website refresh and am starting this newsletter to go along with it. It's part of a big push to stay connected, visible and accessible to you. During the summer of 2022, my IG account was hacked and I was unable to get it back. This painful lesson made me realize that I cannot depend on any one social media channel to stay in touch. I decided to make sure my website is a super reliable and safe place to land if you are looking for the latest painting or trying to connect with me. 

I would love for you to let me know if you see something that looks weird or is hard to navigate on my website! 

Inspiring me.
I was listening to Nicholas Wilton on his Art2Life podcast episode 44, The Importance of Joy. "Joy is often at the bottom of our to-do list when planning our day. It’s all the little 'important' things that take up our time and distract us from feeding our souls."

When I finally get to the bottom of my to-do list, I'm exhausted and will consistently put off the creative things that really light me up and bring me joy. I suspect you might do it too. But why? And, what would happen if I didn't??? What would happen if I painted every day? I've been thinking about that a lot this month.

Keeping them fed.
Ok. So, painting is food for my soul and fills me up. But - my people have got to eat actual food and I'm the that they depend on for that. I even need to feed myself something nutritious once in a while. I've been making this recipe a LOT. In fact, I've made it 3 weeks in a row. It's a good vegetable side dish for one meal and then I have leftovers for a super speedy lunch for myself the rest of the week. It keeps in the fridge for multiple days and is easy to customize. Say hello to my little friend, Cranberry Quinoa Kale Salad with Pecans and Feta. So good!

Well...that's it. I'll be hard at work in the studio, getting some new work ready in time for the holidays. I'm also currently investigating possible venues to show my work in the near future. Will give you the update in my next newsletter.

Thanks for letting me share my excitement with you.


Fall has finally arrived