Sugar Land arts fest 2023

Welcome to my January 2023 Newsletter 🎆

Happening now.
I applied and was accepted into my very first art fair! This is a huge deal for me. While I have been painting for many years, I've never stretched myself in this direction. It's affirming and terrifying all at the same time. I'm trying to be organized and realistic about it so that I can stay excited about it in a sustainable way. The perfectionist in me started making all sorts of demands for sooooo many brand new paintings. I am currently diving in to some new large canvases that will be ready in time for the fair, but I am thrilled to share a lot of my existing work that I haven't been able to share in person. I am ready for my art to go out into the world. 

So, if you're local, please save the date and come see my booth at Sugar Land Arts Fest 2023 (SLAF2K23), April 1-2! You can purchase tickets at or at the gate. Be sure to follow my IG account to watch me prepare as well as @sugarlandartsfest for info and updates.

Inspiring me.
I've been learning about letting go. Funny how that gets magnified 400% when your first child leaves for college. That's the first scenario that I envision when I think about letting go. I used to think that the main dynamic was the person who was leaving; watching them get smaller and smaller as they moved farther away. Now I know that the main dynamic doesn't have anything to do with the other person. In the words of Taylor Swift, "It's me. I'm the problem." When I let go, no one has to get smaller. No one even needs to physically move away. I can let go and still be present with them in the very same room.

There are a myriad of ways to let go. Letting go of control, expectations, and always having the answers are my biggies right now. Over the holiday break, I realized that one of the benefits of letting go was that it made me a better listener. In each conversation I had with my boys, I had a remedy at the ready and expectations for the outcome. Talking for me meant that the conversation ended with a plan and my plan was the best plan every...single...time. So, I started trying to let go in our conversations. Incredibly difficult. But, I think it worked. Conversations didn't feel so hard and heavy. I tried it with my husband. Still difficult. But, I felt like I was learning more about how he was thinking instead of just assuming I already knew. 

For some additional thoughts on letting go, have a listen to an episode of Kelly Corrigan's podcast called The Humble Parent with Julie Lythcott-Haims. Julie is the author of How to Raise an Adult and Your Turn: How to Be an Adult.

Nourishing me.
Sometimes I just crave something that is just sweet (but not sappy) and uplifting (but not preachy). The IG algorithm found this account for me and I wanted to share it with you: Good Boy Ollie 🐶 It's just the best account. So creative and well done and good for the heart, especially if you like dogs. They did a Christmas countdown for Ollie and I loved every minute of it. 

Keeping them fed.
Ok. So I would prefer to be in my studio painting over most things but my people have to eat. I reached the point during winter break before school started when everyone was home and I couldn't keep track of what day it was and I was totally tapped out from cooking all the holiday meals. The boys were either eating candy or fast food for meals. The thought of meal prep or a trip to the grocery store made me crazy. So I give you...the return of cheese and crackers. It was awesome. It was satisfying, customizable and did not overwhelm with prep or clean-up. Get yourself some crackers, cheese, lunchmeat, and cut up an apple. Now is the time for all those condiments in your fridge shelves to shine. Garlic stuffed olives, random pickles, mango salsa I'm looking at you. I'm partial to some Sriracha mayo and pickled onions. Also essential - little bowls. The little bowls for dips or juicy pickles somehow make it fancy, even if you put it on a paper plate. Sanity saved.

Well...that's it. Hope your new year is off to a good start. 


my Art festival tent + Prep


Celebrate with me